Are you facing problems in life & not able to find right path in life visit vedic astrology chart get your full birth chart calculator.
Vedic Chart is known as
vedic astrology, Hindu astrology. It is also known as Jyotish because the
Sanskrit word jyotisha means light and this sheds light on the future. The goal
of Jyotish is to get rid of anxiety or fear of the future. Because Vedic birth chart analysis
will know what to expect, he will know that bad times will not last forever and
that even among the most difficult, there will be good times.
"Houses" of the Jyotish
Each card in Free Online Vedic Astrology
Birth Chart has
12 houses (bhavs), which refer to different aspects of life.
"Signs" of the Indian
astrological chart
In the Vedic astrological
chart, each of these parts or segments has an associated number. Each
number refers to the "sign" (Rashi) of the house.
- Aries (Mesha)
- Taurus (Vrishabha)
- Gemini (Mithuna)
- Cancer (Karka)
- Leo (Simcha)
- Virgo (Kanya)
- Libra (Tula)
- Scorpio (Vrischika)
- Sagittarius (Dhanu)
- Capricorn (Makara)
- Aquarius (Kumbha)
- Pisces (Mine)
So, in the Your free vedic birth chart with
interpretation, the first house has the number 7 (where
"AS" is marked for the ascendant). This means that the Gala Gala
ascendant (also known as "Lagna") was 7, which means "Libra
(Tula)". Since this house rules personality (as shown in the picture
above), it means that birth chart personality was influenced by the fact that
she was "Libra".
Vedic astrology chart "planetary influences"
There are also 9 planetary
influences, the seven planets that we see in the sky, namely the Sun, the Moon,
Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, plus two lunar nodes called
"Rahu" and "Ketu".
In the free birth chart
analysis, you have Ve, which means Venus in the first house, the house of
personality, so this also affects your personality. Due to the influence of the
north and south nodes of the moon, often the sun sign in Birth chart online is very
different from the sign in western astrology, delaying it for about 3 weeks. So
if you are Leo in Western astrology, in Vedic astrology you can be Cancer.
However, in Vedic astrology, the Ascendant is considered more important as it
governs your personality.
The power of influence of each planet on your map
In the vedic birth chart with
interpretation that you will receive when you become a member of the
Compatibility Club, you will see at the bottom right, as shown in the image of
Shad Bala. Shad in Sanskrit means six. Bullet means strength. This shows the
relative strength of influence of each
The effect of the birth chart online.
This is known as drishti. This
word comes from the Sanskrit word meaning "sight" and you can imagine
that a planet in the skies is looking at and therefore influencing a particular
house by seeing it with birth chart calculator.
Each planet has certain aspects.
The effect of the location of the planets relative to each other.
vedic chart
interpretation Sometimes they can cause effects that are even more
important than other local effects.
Why is a Vedic astrologer needed?
Determining all of these
different influences (and even more of the ones we haven't covered) is
difficult, so we recommend that you consult with an experienced best birth chart (Jyotishi). So
visit or call us at +91-9776190123.