Everyone wants to know about their life and future? Free Janam Kundali analysis is the key to gain insight into your life. Online Janam Kundli predictions will help you to predict your upcoming life events like your marriage, your job, your career, etc.
Janam Kundli in Hindi reading is the astrology based graph chart of
your life based on the specific planetary positions at the time of your birth.
By studying your Janampatrika online,
the general pattern of all aspects of your life like job, career, business,
upcoming events including marriage can be known.
How Janam Kundali by date of birth and time in Hindi determined?
Janam Kundali in Hindi free
with predictions or horoscope is generally prepared based on a person’s
birth details, and it finds out all astrological information about an
individual and his life. One’s Ascendant (Lagna), Zodiac signs (Rasi), and position
of planets in Janam Kundli influences his life from the time of birth to death.
There are 12 houses in Janmakundali and these show places of
planets like Sun (Su), Moon (Mo), Mars (Ma), Mercury (Me), Jupiter (Ju), Venus
(Ve), Saturn (Sa), Rahu (Ra), Ketu (Ke), which describe all about an individual
like his job, his Education, his children, marriage, Health, and more. Whatever good/bad
events he/she is facing in life. The personality you have, the behavior you
expose is because of the favorable or unfavorable planet in your birth
How Janam Kundali in English is analyzed?
There are four steps for Janmakundali
analysis such as analyzing, Synthesizing, Forecasting, and
consultation. Let us discuss one by one.
Analyzing: In this process, the Janam Kundli chart is prepared and
analyzed by the data you provide with the requirement of astrology and Kundali
Synthesizing: Through a mathematical technique and multiple
calculations, the location of different planets is closely monitored and the
lagna charts prepared.
Forecasting: Based on the above two factors person’s personality,
events and behavior over time is forecasted.
Consultation: In this step corrective measures are given to reduce
or eliminate any particular dosha or various planets which create problem in a
person’s life.
Types of Free Kundli reading:
There are different kinds of online
Kundali, but we will discuss some very important types of Kundli such as:
- Janam Kundali: It is an astrological chart that is determined by the positioning of heavenly bodies and planets according to your time of birth, place and time.
- Chandra Kundali: It is prepared based on the houses where the moon is placed. For instance, if the moon is placed in the 11th house and 12th house would be the second house from the moon in the chart.
- Love Kundali: Love Kundali Match plays a very important role in calculating compatibility among partners. You can try free Janam Kundali match or Gun Milan to determine your love & married life.
- Child Kundali: Any child born to the family brings immense happiness and one should bless them rightfully. New-born baby Janam Kundali without Name in Hindi can be made by the child’s birthdates, place & time. It helps to know about the child’s future & life events.
Hope you understand Janam Kundli
in English and the necessity. It can be used for matchmaking. Janam Kundali
match specialists astrologer can find out dosha if his/her Kundli and
accordingly suggest measures to solve the problems. It can also predict health how
it will be in the future so that we can be careful about it. Get your free
online Janam Kundli reading in Hindi for marriage or any other purpose
by calling +91 9776190123 or visit Tabij.in